Marko Maršićević, 24/06/1971.
Graduated from Academy of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, major – Theatre and Radio Production.
Enrolled in Postgraduate studies, Academy of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, major -Theater Management.
As a freelance producer worked practically in all media, initiating numerous projects by himself:
Dom Omladine-Belgrade – Assistant Producer, the first proffesional production, concerts of Ekatarina Velika (1991); Radio B-92 – Marketing Producer, coauthor and co-producer of the Screen show (1992); Newspaper Agency “Vreme” – Marketing Producer; Drama Studio “Skordisci” – play “Hej vi napolju” – Co-producer; Record label “Paunović” – Programme Producer; project “Groovanje” cooperation with agency “Vreme Marketing” – Programme Producer; “Preduzeće za pozorišne poslove na pripremi PPP-festa” – Programme Producer; PGP – RTS (National TV Record label) – Programme Coordinator; Advertising and Visual Culture Magazine “New Moment” – Saatchi & Saatchi – Business Manager; Music Television of Serbia – Manager.
Executive Producer and Production Manager for various clients such as: Institute for Film, Government of FRY (The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) SRJ, Jugoslovenska kinoteka (Museum of the Yugoslav Film archive), Magazines “Ritam” and “X Zabava”, Komuna, Idols&Friends communications, “Stubovi kulture” publishing house, Europian Movement in Serbia.
Produced over 400 videos, 300 events, 12 political campaigns, 30 festivals as well as other various productions.
1991 – 1996 Freelance Producer (various job positions)
1996 – 2001. One of the founders and owners of the Mechanical Duck Production house
2001 – 2006. Production Manager at the New Moment advertising agency
2006 – 2011. Partner and Director, New Ideas Production, New Moment Y & R (Young & Rubicam)
2011-present Founder and owner, MARSH. Production
Major festivals:
“Brzi bendovi Srbije” music festival, 1994.
“Ideas Campus”, Piran, Slovenija, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
“BeogrAD Festival”, 2004, 2006, 2009.
WPP (Wire and Plastic Products) PiranIdea, 2010.
Major music productions:
“The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat”, Michael Nyman, video opera, 2001.
Zoran Simjanović: “New Ideas Symphony”, premiere, 2006.
The Rolling Stones, Budva (Montenegro) and Belgrade, 2007.
Zdravko Čolić, Belgrade 2014.
YU Grupa, Belgrade 2015.
Partibrejkers, Beograd 2016 .
Major events:
50 years of Victory over Fascism, 1995.
Philip Moriss S & D Annual conference, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010.
City Bank, promotion of its arrival in Serbia
U.S. Steel, promotion – beginning of production in Serbia
“Playboy”, promotion – launching of the first edition in Serbia
AmCham – Promotion of American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia
Ljubljana – Belgrade express – multimedial interchanges of new cultural scene, Initiator and Line Producer
Eurovision Song Contest 2007. – the winning Performance of the Serbian contestant, Marija Šerifović , Production Manager
EPICA AWARDS Europe’s Premier Creative Awards 2010, Belgrade, Production Manager
QUANTUM LEAP 2013 Production Manager
INDIGO, Festival of conterporary Ideas Ljubljana 2016, Co-Founder
Chosen clients:
Coca Cola, Davidoff, Eurobank EFG, Jazak, Bitef, Demokratska stranka, Turistička organizacija Slovenije, Politika, Građanski savez Srbije, Festival jugoslovenskog dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma, Nin, KK Crvena Zvezda, Toyota, Hyndai, Soja Vita, Takovo, Jagger, Prolom, Glorija, Winston, Johnie Walker, Jazas, Voda Vrnjci, Campari, Crveni krst Srbije, Pampers, Jat, Avon, Siepa, Somboled, Marfin banka, U.S. Steel
Other activities:
“Serbia, original version” exhibit in Paris, one of the exhibition organizers, 2000.
Maja Maršicević-Tasić Foundation, “Osvajanje slobode” Award (en.Winning the freedom), Founder and President of the Board of directors, 2001.
Dom omladine Belgrade, Member of the Board of directors, 2003 – 2005.
The City Assembly of Belgrade, Alderman, 2008 – 2012.
Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Media and Creative industries of Liberal Democratic Party, 2009 – 2012.
Belef (Belgrade Summer Festival), Chairman of the Board of directors, 2009-2010, during his mandate period the festival was introduced to EFA, The European Festival Association
“Beograd 2020” – Initiator and vice-president of the Organisational Committee in charge of Belgrade’s candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2020, 2009-2015.
“Herceg Novi 2021” Communication Director 2015.
Belgrade – Ljubljana sister cities, one of the initiators, 2010.
Milan Mladenović Square, the initiative taken in honour of famous rock star, by naming one of the Belgrade city squares after him – one of the initiators, 2010.